SCOTUS upholds 4th amendment-- FINALLY.
Hi Gang.
Short one on constitutional law tonight.
Yeah, I am a lawyer, and so some of what I write about is legal stuff. In this case, it is about the right, under the 4th amendment to be free of unreasonable search and seizure.
The Supremes wrote a binding opinion today, clearly reaffirming the rights under the 4th amendment.
SCOTUSBLOG wrote about it here.:
Caniglia v Strom
"Community care taking" is not an exception to the 4th amendment. And the opinion is 9-0. This is solid.
Its a 4th amendment case, not a 2nd amendment case, but it revolves around a taking of a firearm.
Read the Alito concurrence.
It takes some nice pot-shots at red flag laws at Paragraph 4.
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