
Showing posts from May, 2021

What's eating my garden?

  I figured out what was eating my lettuce. Yeah, I should be able to do a better job of it than I do, but I am still a beginner.   Turns out they are EARWIGS. Earwig image UGLY little things. They were about ½” long in my garden.   BUT, it turns out they are another bug that is driven out by diatomaceous earth. Article here:   Diatomaceous earth is fossilized diatoms, which is mostly, if not completely silica dust. Silica is a stone.   The silica dust something the bugs really don’t like. It gets between their joints and basically saws them apart, so the bugs leave that area alone. And because it Is basically stone dust, it washes off the plants like, well, dust. You just have to reapply every time it rains (or you water).   Next year I will be using a soaker hose to water my garden, which will make this easier.   Thats all for tonight. Jason  

Hurrican prep time

 OK, gang.   I started mentioning that you need to start preparing for environmental disasters.  The AP (quoted in the Richmond Times Dispatch) had an article on the fact that this is likely to be an active Hurricane season.  There was another article in Old Farmers Almanac about this hurricane season as well. Riots and the like are not the only things that can happen. It is incumbent on you to be prepared for hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc.   You need some home repair equipment You need medical equipment You need water You need food You need protection from marauders.   Here is what I said August 1, 2019 when there was  hurricane that did little in Virginia, but REALLY messed up New York. We had a little rain, they were out of power for as much as 7 days.   Preparing for the inevitable, predictable, disaster is probably on the top of your thoughts.   Lets talk about things you can do NOW to help yourself. Buy appropriate supplies. Learn appropriate skills. Prepare your

SCOTUS upholds 4th amendment-- FINALLY.

  Hi Gang.   Short one on constitutional law tonight.   Yeah, I am a lawyer, and so some of what I write about is legal stuff. In this case, it is about the right, under the 4 th amendment to be free of unreasonable search and seizure. The Supremes wrote a binding opinion today, clearly reaffirming the rights under the 4 th amendment.   SCOTUSBLOG wrote about it here.:   Opinion Caniglia v Strom "Community care taking" is not an exception to the 4th amendment. And the opinion is 9-0. This is solid.   Its a 4th amendment case, not a 2nd amendment case, but it revolves around a taking of a firearm.   Read the Alito concurrence. It takes some nice pot-shots at red flag laws at Paragraph 4.   Jason  

Stop The Bleed

 Hi gang, This month is National Stop The Bleed Month. So I am going to start off with a link to Stop the Bleed, a FREE trauma medical class, that is about 2 hours long. It concentrates on how to deal with massive hemorrhage by tourniquet, wound packing and chest seals.  You can find a class near you here: I only found 2 classes in Virginia that have been scheduled, both in Northern Virginia. If I get enough feedback, I will try to see if I can contact someone around here to teach one to us. Here are some infographics from Dark Angel Medical, that give you lots of information.   This diagram is the basics. TQ for the limbs, wound pack the junctions, and chest seals for the thoracic cavity.  This image has the major tips. Thats all for tonight. Jason